Hi, its so nice to see you here…

I’m Donna and welcome to my business, Author Angel.  

First a little bit about me. I have been an avid reader my entire life. Beginning with Archie comics from 8 years old, then progressing to romance novels “borrowed” from the shelf at home, and then to a wider and larger range of novels into adulthood.   I also branched out into writing when I was younger as another way to express my love of words. Short stories, plays, full length stories, fan fiction, whatever took my fancy at the time. 

Once I began my professional work life I wound my way into sales and marketing, but always still had an element of writing to any role.  In 2014 I was first exposed to the Indie Author world and was in awe of how these independent authors were working hard to get their story into the hands of readers. 

By 2016 I had started BETA reading for a couple of these authors and occasionally lending a hand, when the debut novel of a new author was offered to me to BETA and give feedback before publishing.  From there it has all really flowed.  I became a PA for that author and over many years, have now learned the many facets of publishing for an independent author.  

Throughout this time,  I have also been approached by other authors at all levels of their career asking for assistance or advice with their journey.  Indie authors ( in particular) really need to do it all.  Writing, publishing, designing, marketing, website design, editing, formatting and so much more. Usually whilst also balancing full time employment and a family.  It’s exhausting. 

That’s where I found the need to start Author Angel.  Someone to offer that extra helping hand. So you can do what’s really important for you, writing the next greatest Number 1 Bestseller!