“I love working with Donna simply because nothing is ever too much trouble. Need editing help at 9pm on a Saturday night? She’s there. Need a teaser and links made at the drop of a hat (because you totally thought you had prepared for your takeover)? Bibbidy bobbidy boo, its in your inbox. She’s taken her love of reading and helping others to a level where we as authors need it. I cannot recommend her enough and will shout to everyone so be prepared 😃” 

Aaron L Speer, Author

“Donna has been fantastic at getting me organised and ticking off the everyday tasks in my Health Care business, which I just can’t get to! She is proactive and thinks outside of the box which is a God send, I dont need to question any of her suggestions. My productivity has doubled and I no longer feel overwhelmed.” – Avril Heitia, Simple Complete Wellness

Donna Martin has been my personal assistant since 2018. She has travelled and attended many signings with me and has organised everything from start to finish, effortlessly, before every event. Her nonstop effort and attention to detail on, signing days, are second to none. I sign from start to close with very little time to even take a bathroom break (long lines and eager readers). Donna makes sure the readers and myself are well taken care of and have the best experience possible.

Donna created and runs my website to a highly professional level. She assists on my pages, in my readers group and even assists me with my ads manager business with little error and immaculate attention to detail. Her intelligence and understanding of the publication industry is evident in how flawlessly she completes all tasks. Her attention to detail and her quick ability to learn, on the run, makes my job as an author easy.

Donna also proofreads my publications and then handles all my releases, including the organisation of my ARC groups. She controls my publications on many platforms as well.

Honestly, Donna is my author angel, and I wouldn’t have found the success I have without her assistance and her experience. I highly recommend her for any needs you may have to make your author journey easier. Trust me when I say you will never be disappointed.

Belle Brooks, Author